2.2 — The Coase Theorem — Class Content


Tuesday, February 23, 2021


We continue our introduction to property by spending time on a principle that undergirds the entire law & economics analytical approach, what is often called “The Coase Theorem.” It is often misunderstood and misapplied, so it is worth spending some time unpacking and discussing what Ronald Coase’s famous 1960 paper, “The Problem of Social Cost” is advocating.


Required Reading

Optional but Useful Reading

The primary reading that is required of you is Ronald Coase’s famous 1960 paper, “The Problem of Social Cost.” This is one of the most cited papers in the 20th century, and is almost single-handedly the foundation of law and economics as a discipline. Coase’s important contributions in the paper, and the “Coase Theorem” (not they are not necessarily the same thing!) have been debated and interpreted in different ways over the past 60 years.

It is important that you understand what it is Coase is trying to say, and hence, I have provided several additional readings that are optional, but highly recommended to assist in your interpretation. Coase (1992) is his Nobel Prize lecture, and in part, he reflects on the meaning of Coase (1960). McCloskey (1998) provides a good interpretation of what Coase’s actual point was, which got lost in George Stigler’s formulation of the “Coase Theorem.” Medema (2020) provides a highly extensive discussion of all of the debates, interpretations, and applications of the Coase theorem over ythe past 60 years.

Questions To Help Your Reading

Coase (1960) is quite lengthy and detailed, weaving back and forth between theoretical examples and real world legal cases. You will have a full week to read this, but focus on sections I, II, V, VI, VII, the last paragraph on p.27-p.29, IX, X.



Discussion Board

Starting this week, we will occasionally have a weekly discussion board open on Blackboard.Not every week. I will let you know when we have one open at the beginning of each week.

You will be expected to contribute to the discussion board at least twice by Sunday night. Your weekly contribution will be graded out of 5 points. At the end of the semester, I will apply the average of your weekly participation grades to apply (10%) towards your final course grade.

I am interested in your thoughts, reactions, comments, and questions about any of the material (lectures and/or readings). You do not need to write more than a paragraph. Anything more than that, including continuing to reply to each others’ thoughts, questions, or comments, (which I strongly hope you do!) is solely based on your own interest and curiosity. I will jump in to answer questions the group is stuck on, give my two cents, and stir the pot as needed. I strongly hope we still keep a conversation going and can learn from each other, that was always my goal, not to lecture at you!


Category 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 points
Quantity More than 2 replies/started threads 2 replies/started threads 1 reply 0 posts
Quality Extremely thought provoking, demonstrates clear grappling with readings, adds to conversation Provides a well-reasoned reply, suggests familiarity with readings, keeps conversation going A simple reply, may make no reference to readings or ideas, makes further conversation difficult Minimal effort

Recall, these are out of 5 points. Notice it is possible to get above 5 points for a truly remarkable week of contributions, but I give these sparingly.

At the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest participation score.